Welcome to Issue 13 of the Flanker 15 dated 25th July 2015.
This issue includes all the match reports submitted for Round 14 completed on 18th July 2015.
We apologize for the late issue of the Flanker. Fathertoosa has been interstate for 2 weeks on business and has not had the time to complete the production. We trust you appreciate it and enjoy the publication as much as we do in bringing it to you.

Issue 14 covering Rounds 14 and 15 will be published shortly.
You can download the attached file if you wish. See below. Download and save the file as a pdf file and in the page display menu select both "Two Page View" and Show Cover Page in Two Page View" for easy reading.
You can also read it on our Team App.
Once again thank you to all those who contributed with reports etc
If you have any suggestions for the magazine content or format please email the club at lilydalefc@efl.org.au and it will be passed on to me for consideration/action.
Gerald Toohey
Aka "Fathertoosa" editor