Code of Conduct
Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport
The Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport outlines behaviours that are expected of every person involved in community sport and active recreation, as well as identifying the types of behaviours that will not be tolerated.
Every person: spectator, player, club member, official, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with the sport, should work to ensure:
* inclusion of every person regardless of their age, gender or sexual orientation
* inclusion of every person regardless of their race culture or religion
* opportunities for people of all abilities to participate in the sport and develop to their full potential
* respect is shown towards others, the club and the broader community
* a safe and inclusive environment for all
* elimination of violent and abusive behaviour
* protection from sexual harassment or intimidation
The Code applies to community sport, training and club sanctioned activities.
FFV Codes of Behaviour
The Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport is a generic Code for community sport across the state. FFV however have incorporated specific Codes of Behaviour that must be strictly abided by.
It is vital that everyone involved in Football, whether they are athletes, coaches, parents, officials or supporters, understand their responsibilities to ensure that all participants enjoy the sport.
It is strongly recommended that all players, parents, officials, coaches and members be given a copy of these codes by their Club, and that each Club ensures the codes are clearly displayed in their Clubrooms.
As well as reading and seeking to understand the instructions contained in the codes, FFV asks all participants to recognise that there are underlying principles which extend beyond those specific instructions.
Failure to comply with any of the Codes of Behaviour below, will be met with sanctions, as outlined in the FFV GDT By-Law.
General Principles for all persons involved in sport
(a) Play by the Rules and within the spirit of the game;
(b) Do not argue with the match official. If you disagree, have your captain or coach approach the match official during a break in play or after the match is concluded;
(c) Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, deliberately distracting or provoking another person is not acceptable or permitted in any sport;
(d) Maintain your focus and work hard for yourself and your team;
(e) Be a good sport and be prepared to acknowledge good play whether it is from your team or the opposition;
(f) Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another player;
(g) Cooperate with your coach, team mates and opponents. Without them, there would be no competition;
(h) Play for your own enjoyment, and not just to please parents and coaches;
(i) Remove all jewellery prior to training and match play, as it is a hazard to you and those around you;
(j) Do not accept or use any banned or unauthorised drug(s), including the consumption of alcohol at any time.
Any breaches of the Code of Behaviour at any club sanctioned or organised event will be referred to the MZFC Committee for an appropriate course of action. The Committees decision will be professional and in the best interests of the club, its members and the code. All reported breaches should preferably be made in writing. Breaches brought before the Committee will be held in strict confidence.
Breaches may result in a caution or formal letter of warning being issued. Any further infringements of the same nature will result in match bans and ultimately exclusion from the Club at the discretion of the committee.
Severe breaches such as violent or threatening behaviour to players/coaches/parents etc will ultimately result in expulsion from the Club and possibly from the FFV/FFA.
(a) Remember that players participate for the fun of it and that winning is not everything;
(b) Never ridicule or yell at a player for making a mistake or being in a losing team;
(c) Be reasonable in your demands on younger players time, energy and enthusiasm,
(d) Teach your players to abide by the Rules and Laws of the Game;
(e) Whenever possible, alternate the group of players to ensure everyone has a reasonable chance of success;
(f) Avoid overplaying the talented players as all players deserve equal time on the playing field;
(g) Ensure that equipment and facilities meet a reasonable safety standard and are appropriate to the age and ability of the players;
(h) Modify your approach to suit the skill levels and needs of players;
(i) Develop and enhance respect between players, opposition coaches and the decisions of the match official;
(j) Follow the advice of a physician when determining the extent of a player’s injury and beyond that, when players are returning from injury to training and match play;
(k) Keep up to date with the latest coaching practices (refer to Coach Accreditation Criteria);
(l) Take time out to teach players (& others) the Laws of the Game, hence raising their awareness;
(m) Remind all players to play within the spirit of the game at all times;
(n) Ensure players are good sports and ensure each team member shakes the hand of their opponents at the conclusion of every match;
(o) Do not smoke or consume alcohol from the team bench (Technical Area) or sideline;
(p) Remember the actions of yourself and your team is reflective of the perception others take away with them.
(a) Involve young people in the planning, leadership, evaluation and decision making process in the club network;
(b) Give all children equal opportunities to participate;
(c) Ensure the rules, equipment, length of games and training principles suit the age, ability and maturity level of participants;
(d) Provide quality supervision and instruction for junior players;
(e) Remember that children will only continue with football, provided they enjoy their experience, so do not over-emphasise awards;
(f) Help coaches and match officials highlight appropriate behaviour and skill development, and assist in raising the standards of coaching and officiating;
(g) Ensure everyone involved in football emphasises fair play, and not a winning at all costs approach;
(h) Be tolerant and calm under pressure and approach problem solving in a supportive manner as members and players will expect you to set an example for others;
(i) Support the implementation of the National Junior Sport Policy;
(j) Make every effort to educate persons who breach these guidelines from time to time.
(a) Modify your approach to suit the skill levels and needs of players;
(b) Praise and encourage all participants;
(c) Be consistent, objective and courteous when making decisions;
(d) Do not tolerate unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all opponents;
(e) Emphasise the spirit of the game rather than focus on negative aspects;
(f) Encourage and promote rule changes to all players and members;
(g) Be a good sport yourself, as actions speak louder than words;
(h) Keep up to date with the latest trends in refereeing;
(i) Remember that you set the example on the park, therefore, your behaviour and comments should always be positive and supportive;
(a) Remember that children play the sport for their enjoyment, and not yours;
(b) Encourage all children to participate, do not force them;
(c) Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than the result of the activity (that is, winning or losing);
(d) Encourage children to always participate according to the rules;
(e) Never ridicule, yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game;
(f) Remember that children learn best by example, so applaud good play by both teams;
(g) Support all efforts to remove racial and religious vilification, verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities;
(h) Respect the match official’s decisions and teach your child to do likewise;
(i) Show respect and appreciation to Club officials, including coaches, officials and administrators. Ensure any issues are raised through the correct channels;
(j) Do not smoke or consume alcohol near the team bench (Technical Area) or sideline.
Any breaches of the Code of Behaviour at any club sanctioned or organised event will be referred to the MZFC Committee for an appropriate course of action. The Committees decision will be professional and in the best interests of the club, its members and the code. All reported breaches should preferably be made in writing. Breaches brought before the Committee will be held in strict confidence.
Breaches may result in a caution or formal letter of warning being issued. Any further infringements of the same nature will result in match bans and ultimately exclusion from the Club.
Severe breaches such as violent or threatening behaviour and/or bullying /harassment to players/coaches/parents/members or sponsors will ultimately result in immediate expulsion from the MZFC Club and possibly from the FFV/FFA.
Inappropriate parental behaviour including violent and abusive behaviour, will adversely affect the children as the entire family may be asked to leave the Club.
Adhering to this Code will ensure enjoyment for players and parents alike, as well as upholding the integrity of the game and the MZFC.
Spectators Code of Behaviour
(Refer for more information).
Child Protection
Any breaches of the Code of Behaviour at any club sanctioned or organised event will be referred to the MZFC Committee for an appropriate course of action. The Committees decision will be professional and in the best interests of the club, its members and the code. All reported breaches should preferably be made in writing. Breaches brought before the Committee will be held in strict confidence.
Breaches may result in a caution or formal letter of warning being issued. Any further infringements of the same nature will result in match bans and ultimately exclusion from the Club.
Severe breaches such as violent or threatening behaviour and/or bullying /harassment to players/coaches/parents/members or sponsors will ultimately result in immediate expulsion from the MZFC Club and possibly from the FFV/FFA.
Inappropriate parental behaviour including violent and abusive behaviour, will adversely affect the children as the entire family may be asked to leave the Club.
Adhering to this Code will ensure enjoyment for players and parents alike, as well as upholding the integrity of the game and the MZFC.