2025 WINTER Registration

Welcome to our 2025 Season Registration

Registration : opens Monday 3rd Feb - closes Friday February 28th - we will let you sneak in over teh weekend 1 & 2nd March!

After February only 'spare spots' in teams will be offered


                 Registration Costs:

                  3-4 year olds:............$60 ( 10 weeks)

                  Under 5-7's: ..............$150 (players who turn 5-7 year old in 2025)

                  Under 8-11's:.............$175

                  Under 12-18's:...........$235

                  Seniors :.....................$350 inc season ref fees

                  Zone League 3*.........$350 + *$100 uniform package (inc season ref fees)

               * Development Squads &  Zone League 3 are players based on club selection & will have added uniform package to purchase [dev squad $50, ZL3 $100])                     

Registering this season? Heres the steps:

  • Claim Active Kids Voucher if applicable 
  • Have a heads & shoulders photo ready in png or jpg file {Under 5s & up}
  • Register at playfootball 2.0 *new system- see steps & tips below
  • New players send ID to the club
  • Add club communication apps to your phone {Stack Team app & Squadi}
  • Purchase Uniforms online 
  • Note our Meet the team days on your calender
  • During march to recive club email communication with reminders on meet the team dates + more


Details and information on all the steps are below :


Step 1. Obtain your ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHER if applicable

School registered kids from 4-18 years may be eligible and can use the $50  government 'Active kids' voucher towards their soccer registration

To apply for the voucher go to  www.service.nsw.gov.au 




Step 2. Register to play in 2025

Below are direct links for each age group    

*Make sure you also continue to to steps 4-6 below after you register


3 & 4s Programs: is straight forward. Click on the appropriate group below (mixed or female) , register & move to step 4.

If you are unsure if this is the correct group for you read further information at the bottom end of step 2

Mixed 3 &4s kick off kids (who have turned 3 by 3rd May 2025)  Easy registration system

MiniTillies Female only 3 & 4s kids (who have turned 3 by 3rd May 2025)




Under 5's-U18s +Seniors : PLAYFOOTBALL 2.0 Registration Tips

 Read all steps & hints below prior to clicking the link to register as this is a new system (Playfootball 2.0) with plenty of gremlins & glitches that we too are persevering through! 

What you will need to register:

  • A computer - Mobile phones do not work well with the system. Use operating system google crome where possible
  • A Head & shoulders player photo in PNG or JPG format {from Under 5s}
  • A Credit Card 
  • ID for new players: Birth certificate, passport or license 
  • Active Kids Voucher for those using one 
  • The club link directly to Greta Branxton FC registration package {below}
  • Imediate access to your email address for a verification code (only a 60 sec activation window to use the code )



Create a family account with your details as a PARENT PROFILE as the primary account holder. 

Once the account is created you will then add Participants / player Profiles for each of your children and register each child individually.

 Create account

Once you have your account follw the steps below on thsi page to easily reach our clubs registrered programs. If you continue on play football website from this spot you will be taken to a location with 11,000 products to search for Greta Branxton Football Clubs products which is not easy!

 Once you have created your acocunt you need to add your child to register. Keep yourself logged in and scroll down this page to the highlighed player packages and click on teh age appropriate package. This will allow you to register SOMEONE ELSE not YOURSLEF.


CLAIM YOUR ACCOUNT FROM PLAY FOOTBALL: 1.0 ready to use to PLAYFOOTABLL 2.0 : you will have received an email if you registered last year to claim your account. Click on the email to start the process. 

Alternatively you can search for your account with your basic details in the registration link below. Search your name with minimal details such as DOB and email only added.Often profiles are being found at this point. You will have to click through terms & conditions first before you get to add your contact details in.

A verification code will be emailed to you to confirm your email address with only 60 seconds to activate (often goes to junk mail) 

 Once you have your account follw the steps below to easily reach our clubs program. If you continue on play football website from this spot you will be taken to a location with 11,000 products to find our club in which is not easy!




CLAIM YOUR ACCOUNT FROM PLAY FOOTBALL: 1.0 ready to use to PLAYFOOTABLL 2.0 : you will have received an email if you registered last year to claim your account. Click on the email to start the process. 

Alternatively you can search for your account with your basic details in the registration link below. Search in parents name with minimal details added such as DOB and email address only. Often profiles are being found at this point. You will have to click through terms & conditions first before you get to add your contact details in.

A verification code will be emailed to you to confirm your email address with only 60 seconds to activate (often goes to junk mail)

Once your account is verified you do not need the code again for all other family members 

For previous registered players; Your Child's PARTICIPANT PROFILE will be linked to your account.  You will Click on their profile & register your each of your children to play 

For new players in your family you will add a ‘new participant’ profile and register from there.

 Once you have your account follw the steps below to easily reach our clubs program. If you continue on play football website from this spot you will be taken to a location with 11,000 products to find our club in which is not easy!  


If you could not claim your profile click on the below link and you may be able to claim your profile through the next few steps 


  • During Registration Make sure you add info 'place of birth' in.
  • TERMS AND CONDITIONS: You can not continue past the page with until you click on all blue worded documents and open all terms and conditions individually (changing the boxes from blue to green) 
  • If you cant move forward on ANY step, check the green ticks on the left hand side have been ticked for previous pages - if not go back and check missing information



All players from Under 5s to seniors must upload a passport style photo. 

A Head & shoulders shot, no hat, no sunglasses, no pets or other people in the photos.

Photos must be uploaded in PNG or JPG file only. Not a photo in an iPhone format



CLICK ON THE BELOW LINKS TO REGISTER NOW (problem solving below) :

Please be aware; the first page showing the registration package will display the wrong $ valuve.  The correct amount to pay will eb shown on at the payment page towards teh end of teh registration process. 

Once at the payment page; make sure you only press payment button once.

If your status still shows as unpaid contact the club - do not pay again!


U5-7s Registration (players turning 5,,6,7 in 2025) 
U8-11s Registration  (players turning 8-11 in 2025) 
U12-18 Registration (players turning 12-18 in 2025) 
Adults Registration (players 19 -99 in 2025) 

 In the regitration porcess for miniroos teams there is a question asking who tehy want to be in a team with. Under 12s and up are likeey graded however requests can still be taken into account.



  • You will need to open & read all T&C to proceed to next steps. 
  • Some registration packages will not show the correct price until checkout
  • If your registration cannot proceed to the next step, check that all green ticks are showing on the left. If a tick is missing click on that area and add missing information
  • Issue entering emergency contact details? Press BACK, then forward into the emergency contact page again and it usually resolves the issue
  • Issue  with payment screen not letting you confirm & pay?Go back 1 page, check you have selected  a form of identification you will give to the club or you cant proceed. 
  • Clearing your browser cache can also help.
  • Issue for player profile waiting on verification code but not arriving? Check Junk & Spam folders, if not there you must contact play football support (details below) 
  • Registration Not Eligible? Dont panic- your registration will change from NOT ELIGIBLE to ELIGIBLE once a club volunteer has had time to check off everything and approve your registration. Registrations may sit pending and not be approved because registrars are busy, or because they are waiting on crucial info from you - especially a decent photo and/ or ID. All committee work & do registrations when they have spare time. Registration emails will not go out until March with further details. Remember we will likely have 600+ registrations to do.
  • If you receive a declined registration email from us dont panic. It will be because of a glitch in the system and some registrations are showing up numerous times
  • If you cant move forward on ANY step, check the green ticks on the left hand side have been ticked for previous pages 
  • - for eg I was on page 2 but page 1 didn’t have info about my place of birth. I had to go back to page 1, add that info in and then page 2 would allow me to move to page 3

SUPPORT - Please read all steps above before calling the club or support line.

Most issues will be resolved with teh above tips.

If you have problems email the club at registrar@gretabranxtonfc.com.au or call one of our registrars (contacts at bottom of  page)

 or call play football support on 0288807983 

The club will also hold a registration support day shortly (TBA) .to help with problems you have


Extra Information: 

All fees will need to be paid online at the time of registration with a credit card (cc fees apply).

New players uniforms will also need to purchased inc shorts & socks $45 and must wear shin pads  & football boots (with the exception of 3 & 4s kick off kids). The club provides game day playing strips & training equipment.

When working out a childs age group;                                                                                Players play in the age group of the age they turn this calender year, except for 3+4s program who must have turned 3 years old by 3rd May. 

Players turning 5 in 2025 have the choice of playing 3&4s kick off if they are still 4 for majority of the year or stepping into Under 5s. 


 5 year olds ; have the choice of joining the Under 5s teams with weekly training and structiredl saturday games or sticking with the 4 year olds in the kick off program with fun activities only of a saturday morning(no training sessions).                   We suggest if you are 4 and dont turn 5 through the playing season you could stick with 3 & 4s kick off. If you are turning 5 while the season is playing or already 5, games against other teams and once a week training are likely to be more  appropriate for you . Also consider do they need short play based fun or if tehy are capable of listening to a coach with instructions at traininga nd games.

Over 35s: a player must have turned 35 before they can regsiter & play. 

3 & 4 Kick Off Program & MiniTillies will recieve a participants pack thanks to Mini Roos, including a T-shirt that will be worn to game days (this group will not need uniforms however many choose to purchase our standard playing shorts & socks and a polo shirt) Shin pads should be used and can be purchased from $10. Packs will be sent direct to participants address by Football Australia.

Under 5, 6 & 7's will recieve a free ball thanks to Newcastle Permanent sponsorship and shin pads from Hunter Valley Football.

Team positions & Requests: First in best dressed policy applies to filling age groups (*registered, paid, ID for all new players & uploaded photos for under 5s  and up). This means you are allocated A spot in A teamnot a specific team you have requested. Requests will be filled where possible- these requests can be completed in 'extra questions' when you register. Players wishing to play up an age group can request to do so, and will be considered pednding spare spots in that age group, however those registered in the correct age groups will take first priority.

 Completing online rego papers and online payment means you no longer need to come to a info day unless you are a new player & would like further info, to meet and chat to committee or to hand over a birth certificate or purchase uniforms. 


If you are working out which age group you are-  it is the age you turn this year. For eg if you turn 8 on the 1st or January or the 30th Dec 2025, you are in under 8's this year.

for eg Billy is 7 in February: He plays in Under 7s. Jill is 7 in october: She also plays in Under 7s.   Bob is 2 & turns 3 in June, he unfortunatley will have to wait untill next year. Sue is 2, she turns 3 on 1st April  She can regsiter & play this year  as kick off is 3rd May. John is 34. He turns 35 in may. He cannot register yet however can do so after his birthday.  

A set questions will be asked in the registration process, particularly for juniors. Make sure you put details of the school your child attends. There is also a spot to 'request' a team or playing with a friend.. Please write here for eg would like to play with John Smith, want to play with Kirkton School kids, with same team as last year, not with same team as last year etc. This cannot always be guaranteed however will be taken into account & approved where possible

Registration closes 28th FEB: $50 Late Fee applicable from 1st March

Player deregistration fee: $20 (No deregistrations are possible if a player has taken the field & played a game)

Transfer fees to another club within HVFA zone:$50 (mini roos exempt)

Multi Registration Fee: $30 Juniors, $50 Seniors

 All registrations once completed are sent an automatic email with a 'Pending Registration'  when you register. After this point the club & the association also need to approve your registration before it is finaliised and you are eligible to play. Dont panic when this doesnt happen straight away - The registrar often does this in bulk at the end of February.


Please remember all of our club committee are volunteers & have full time jobs & answer calls when they can. Leave a message or text and they will return your call when possible.


Info & Uniform day:  TBC Feb (4.30-6.30pm) at Miller Park Soccer Fields Canteen area





  • All new players (except 3 & 4s kick off program kids)  Must provide a copy of a birth certificate, passport or licence.
  • ID can be scanned and emailed to registrar@gretabranxtonfc.com.au, dropped into the rego days or text to registrars: juniors: 0409499403,  seniors : 0429701578  .





Step 4. ALL Club Communication will be on 'STACK TEAM APP' - DOWNLOAD NOW

The club & each teams main form of communication will be through a smart phone app called 'Stack Team App' Please add this app on your phone, search for 'Greta Branxton Football Club' within the app and add your contact details. You do not need to add a team until your team has been allocated at a muster day

All club & team information will be sent to very player via TEAM APP.

It is detrimental for club communication for you to join!

If you dont instal team app you will not get notifiactions of events, wet weather cancellations, or even details of when the Playing Draw for each team has been released.

You can check the TEAM APP calendar for all dates inc training kick off, meet your team etc 

The club will send you initial details via email however all communication WILL swap over to Team App shortly there after for all info such as meet the team reminders, cancelled games due to wet weather etc etc. 

Last year those who chose to skip this step missed vital information  

If you do not have a mobile phone you can access it via a computer at www.teamapp.com 

For mobile phones Download the app here



All football clubs also use SQUADI. At some point after your registration is complete (under 5 - seniors) , you will recieve an invitation email to join squadi (likley sent to junk mail). 

Squadi is where all teams will see their draws, get updated information on washouts, forfeits, postponments with wet weather, and game scores for Under 12s and up. 


Make sure you add yourselves to our facebook page for updates & instargram for season photos as well 


Step 5. Purchase Uniforms 

Click on the link to purchase uniforms through our easy to use online store.

If today is not suitable you can come back at any time on Team app, click on our uniform store button and purchase.

Any uniforms purchased incorrectly can be exchanged for correct sizing as longas the item is in its original packaging and has not been worn.



The club provided training kits & playing shirts for all players (shirts are handed out at the field each week before the game). 

Players need to purchase playing shorts & socks, football boots & shin pads.

All other items such as club polo shirts, jackets & beanies can be worn to training & the games but are not manditory.

These items will also be available at extra uniform days and at the canteen on Saturday game days through the season.



 STEP 6: Club Dates to remeber 

from 28th Jan: Zone League Training & trials 6pm - 7.30pm (tuesday & thursdays)

???TBC : Rego & info day 4.30-6.30pm Miller Park

Team Meet the Coach Days at Miller Park 

Tuesday 4th March: Under 12-18s Meet the Team times TBC

Monday 17th March: Under 8-11s Meet the Team U8 4.30, U9 5pm, U10 5.30pm, U11 6pm

Monday 24th March: Under 5-7s Meet the Team U5 4pm, U6s 5pm, U7s 6pm

Monday 31st March: Kick Off 3 & 4s Info Session 4.30pm








Training starts a week  after meet the team depending on team members & coaches. Further training details on players tab 

Once you are finished registering (or prior if you need extra info) Head to the 'Players' & 'Calendar' Tabs for all the important info & dates you need to know

 * More info on each age group in the 'players/ team info' tab: Please check out this tab for details such as when the season starts, whos team will i be in, or a request to play in a specific team, when is training, what uniforms do I need etc.

Please check junk mail or add secretary@gretabranxtonfc.com.au & registrar@gretabranxtonfc.com.au to your safe email list



 Any further information or help required that you cannot find on the site please contact:

registrar@gretabranxtonfc.com.au or secretary@gretabranxtonfc.com.au

U5-9s Registrar: Tarin Jones :0409499403 

U10-18s Registrar: Sophie Palmowski 0431345717

Senior Registrar: Stewart Thrift 0429701578 

Secretary : Lauren at secretary@gretabranxtonfc.com.au  0428773002


President: Luke Thrift: lukethrift@hotmail.com or 0400651987

Uniform Officer: Jenna Kleinschafer

Please remember these are voluntary positions and all committee have full time jobs. They are diligent volunteers and will return your email or call as soon as they can


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