All players must have ambulance cover. The clubs medical personal will not hesitate to call an ambulance if they deem it neccessary. The cost of the ambulance transportation will be the responsibility of the player and can be very expensive.
JLT Sport Program
What is covered?
Capital Benefits-provides cover in the event of death or permanent disability.
Non -Medicare Medical Benefits - provide reimbursement for items that are not claimable in any way through Medicare. Due to legislation, this does not include the Mediare Gap.
Who's covered?
Players, coaches, trainers, umpires, officials and volunteers.
What to do in the event of injury?
Visit the clubs trainers for treatment. The trainers will treat the player and record the injury. If further medical treatment is required, obtain a medical claim form and ask your doctor to complete it. Return the fully completed form to Debbie McColl for lodgement.
Benefits - upgraded VCFL Gold cover
- 90% reimbursement of non-medicare medical costs
- $3500.00 maximum amount per claim
- $50.00 excess per claim
- $500,000.00 maximum quad/para benefit
For further information please visit