Pottsville Beach Sports has been apart of the Pottsville community since 1982 and is commonly called “The Bowlo” changed its name in 2007 to Pottsville Beach Sports which proved to be a popular move attracting younger clientele.
Located in the northern part of Pottsville the Club is also primarily known for its two (2) championship bowling greens but also caters for five (5) other Sub-Clubs including.
Mens & Ladies Bowls-Amateur Fishing-Social Golf-Cricket Club
Social Touring Golf-AFL Seniors
The Club boasts over 2,000 members and growing, the "Coolamon " bistro offers outstanding catering from the lunch time burger to a full ala carte style menu, lunch & dinner served 7 days a week, open Mondays public and school holidays. Club’s courtesy bus available please phone Club for details.
Poppets Kids Klub is a real hit with the kids, open Fri – Sat – Sun fully supervised equipped with Playstations, Xbox 360, Plasma TV, games, arts & crafts, our brightly coloured room is fully air-conditioned which makes for a safe and creative environment for Kids 3 – 13.
“I like Poppets Kids Klub because they have lots of games & I make new friends”
Everyone’s welcome at Pottsville Beach Sports Club
Address:Coast Road, Pottsville 2489
p.02 6676 1077
f.02 6676 2333
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