Statistics for Glen Eira (Buzzards) playing in Summerland Metropolitan League 8 South-East

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS RC YC
A Yianni Glen Eira (Buzzards) 8 2017-07-02
A Jaweed Glen Eira (Buzzards) 14 2017-09-10 1
D Lee Glen Eira (Buzzards) 10 2017-09-10
D Metter Glen Eira (Buzzards) 1 2017-08-06 1
D Kondhalkar Glen Eira (Buzzards) 16 2017-09-10
E Alarcón Glen Eira (Buzzards) 1 2017-07-30
G Lukas Glen Eira (Buzzards) 1 2017-07-30
I Warboys Glen Eira (Buzzards) 17 2017-09-10 1
I Hewett Glen Eira (Buzzards) 18 2017-09-10 1
J Blair Glen Eira (Buzzards) 15 2017-09-10 1
K Sharkey Glen Eira (Buzzards) 1 2017-07-30
L Simmonds Glen Eira (Buzzards) 8 2017-07-02
M Tovey Glen Eira (Buzzards) 18 2017-09-10
M Okoshi Glen Eira (Buzzards) 15 2017-09-10
M Metter Glen Eira (Buzzards) 14 2017-09-10
M Roebuck Glen Eira (Buzzards) 17 2017-09-10 2
M Towicz Glen Eira (Buzzards) 14 2017-09-10 1
P Ucharatna Glen Eira (Buzzards) 9 2017-07-23 1
S De'Ath Glen Eira (Buzzards) 1 2017-08-13
S Medikonduru Glen Eira (Buzzards) 5 2017-09-03
S Butler Glen Eira (Buzzards) 14 2017-09-10 1
S Cross Glen Eira (Buzzards) 4 2017-09-10
T Kusumoto Glen Eira (Buzzards) 11 2017-07-30
T Vaidie Glen Eira (Buzzards) 11 2017-08-20
T O'Reilly Glen Eira (Buzzards) 15 2017-09-10
X Zhao Glen Eira (Buzzards) 6 2017-09-10 2

Statistics for Glen Eira (Buzzards) playing in Metropolitan League 8 South-East

Statistics for Glen Eira (Buzzards) playing in Metropolitan League 8 South-East

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