Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in Boys' Sunday North Green 11 Joeys

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Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in Sportsmart Boys' North 18A

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS RC
A Ghieh FC Strathmore 1 2019-06-09
A Gage FC Strathmore 2 2019-06-23 2
B Salopek FC Strathmore 3 2019-08-04 3
D Graser FC Strathmore 3 2019-07-14 2
E Diamantopoulos FC Strathmore 1 2019-06-09
E Trajkovski FC Strathmore 4 2019-09-01 6
J Caceres FC Strathmore 2 2019-05-12 3
K Stefanac FC Strathmore 1 2019-06-09
L Ivkovic FC Strathmore 4 2019-09-01 4
L Ivkovic FC Strathmore 4 2019-07-14 4
M Blazevski FC Strathmore 1 2019-06-09
M Ellul FC Strathmore 1 2019-06-09
M Raic FC Strathmore 2 2019-06-09 2
P Buljan FC Strathmore 2 2019-08-18 2
T Malovic FC Strathmore 4 2019-07-14 4

Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in Sportsmart Boys' North-West 17A

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Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in Sportsmart Boys' North-West 16A

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS RC
A Ayad FC Strathmore 5 2018-07-29 6
A Ayad FC Strathmore 5 2018-07-29 6
B Bowden FC Strathmore 3 2018-08-26 5
B Bowden FC Strathmore 3 2018-08-26 5
D Graser FC Strathmore 3 2018-08-26 5
D Graser FC Strathmore 3 2018-08-26 5
E Trajkovski FC Strathmore 3 2018-07-29 3
E Trajkovski FC Strathmore 3 2018-07-29 3
J Caran FC Strathmore 2 2018-06-24 2
J Caran FC Strathmore 2 2018-06-24 2
L Ivkovic FC Strathmore 11 2018-09-02 18
L Ivkovic FC Strathmore 11 2018-09-02 18
L Rizzo FC Strathmore 1 2018-08-26 1
L Rizzo FC Strathmore 1 2018-08-26 1
M Blazevski FC Strathmore 3 2018-06-03 3
M Blazevski FC Strathmore 3 2018-06-03 3
M Radoslovicclemente FC Strathmore 2 2018-07-15 2
M Radoslovicclemente FC Strathmore 2 2018-07-15 2
T Malovic FC Strathmore 4 2018-08-26 5
T Malovic FC Strathmore 4 2018-08-26 5
Z Basalamah FC Strathmore 2 2018-08-26 2
Z Basalamah FC Strathmore 2 2018-08-26 2

Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in Sportsmart Boys' North 16A

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Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in Sportsmart Boys' North 15A

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS RC
E Trajkovski FC Strathmore 4 2017-09-03 4
G Williams FC Strathmore 4 2017-08-13 4
J Byrne FC Strathmore 3 2017-07-30 3
L Ivkovic FC Strathmore 7 2017-09-10 8
L Rizzo FC Strathmore 2 2017-06-25 2
T Malovic FC Strathmore 2 2017-09-03 2

Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in Sportsmart Boys' North 13A

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Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in Sportsmart Boys' North 12 Kangaroos

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Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in Sportsmart Boys' North 14A

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS RC
B Bowden FC Strathmore 3 2016-05-15 4
E Diamantopoulos FC Strathmore 1 2016-06-26 1
E Trajkovski FC Strathmore 2 2016-08-28 2
G Williams FC Strathmore 9 2016-08-28 13
J Byrne FC Strathmore 3 2016-08-14 3
L Ivkovic FC Strathmore 5 2016-08-14 6
T Malovic FC Strathmore 2 2016-08-14 3
W Anderson FC Strathmore 1 2016-05-15 1
W Coric FC Strathmore 1 2016-06-26 2

Statistics for FC Strathmore playing in CANCELLED - Boys' North-West 18A

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