Statistics for South Yarra SC playing in Metropolitan League 2 South-East

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Statistics for South Yarra SC playing in Metropolitan League 2 South-East

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Statistics for South Yarra SC playing in Metropolitan League 2 South-East

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Player Name
Team Name
A Saunders South Yarra SC 1 2015-08-02
C Mcmullan South Yarra SC 2 2015-08-02 2
C Edwards South Yarra SC 1 2015-08-02
D Murray South Yarra SC 1 2015-08-02
G Price South Yarra SC 2 2015-08-02
G Curtin South Yarra SC 1 2015-04-12
G Thomson South Yarra SC 2 2015-08-02
J Plevey South Yarra SC 2 2015-08-02
L Hayes South Yarra SC 1 2015-08-02
P Mcarthur South Yarra SC 2 2015-08-02
R Bartley South Yarra SC 2 2015-08-02
R Parkhill South Yarra SC 1 2015-04-12
S Kelly South Yarra SC 2 2015-08-02
S Sawyer South Yarra SC 1 2015-08-02
V Squatriti South Yarra SC 1 2015-04-12

Statistics for South Yarra SC playing in Metropolitan League 2 South-East

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Statistics for South Yarra SC playing in Men's Thirds Div 2 South-East

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