Statistics for Ashburton USC playing in Men's Metropolitan Masters South-East

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS RC YC
A Boslem Ashburton USC 10 2022-07-10
A Dodds Ashburton USC 14 2022-08-21
A Ioannou Ashburton USC 7 2022-08-28 2 1
B Jackson Ashburton USC 5 2022-08-14
B Chambers Ashburton USC 14 2022-08-28
C Joyce Ashburton USC 14 2022-08-28 5
C Banks Ashburton USC 8 2022-07-17
C Deftereos Ashburton USC 9 2022-08-21 4
C Prountzos Ashburton USC 16 2022-08-28 1
D Sanusi Ashburton USC 14 2022-08-28
G Bourne Ashburton USC 6 2022-08-28
M Cappuccio Ashburton USC 15 2022-08-28
M Woodard Ashburton USC 16 2022-08-28 1
M Kuszner Ashburton USC 12 2022-08-28
M Taner Ashburton USC 15 2022-08-28 10 1
N Veitch Ashburton USC 10 2022-08-14
N Enferadi Ashburton USC 8 2022-08-28
P Alexopoulos Ashburton USC 9 2022-08-28
P Haviland Ashburton USC 12 2022-08-28 1
R Pititto Ashburton USC 14 2022-08-28 1
S Sellwood Ashburton USC 14 2022-08-28
S Charman Ashburton USC 12 2022-08-28
T Smith Ashburton USC 16 2022-08-28 1

Statistics for Ashburton USC playing in Men's Metropolitan Masters East

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Player Name Team Name

Statistics for Ashburton USC playing in CANCELLED - Men's Metropolitan Masters South-East

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS RC YC
A Dumas Ashburton USC 5 2021-07-04
A Boslem Ashburton USC 3 2021-05-16
A Dodds Ashburton USC 3 2021-07-11 1
B Jackson Ashburton USC 2 2021-05-09
B Chambers Ashburton USC 3 2021-07-11
C Joyce Ashburton USC 4 2021-07-11
C Prountzos Ashburton USC 4 2021-07-11
D Sanusi Ashburton USC 5 2021-07-11
G Davies Ashburton USC 6 2021-07-11 1
G Bourne Ashburton USC 6 2021-07-11
J Cox Ashburton USC 5 2021-07-11
L Ferro Ashburton USC 5 2021-07-11
M Woodard Ashburton USC 6 2021-07-11
M Kuszner Ashburton USC 6 2021-07-11
N Raj Ashburton USC 4 2021-07-04
N Enferadi Ashburton USC 6 2021-07-11
P Alexopoulos Ashburton USC 6 2021-07-11
P Haviland Ashburton USC 3 2021-05-16
R Vranesic Ashburton USC 3 2021-07-04
S Sellwood Ashburton USC 4 2021-07-11
T Smith Ashburton USC 3 2021-07-11
W Legge Ashburton USC 3 2021-07-04

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