Statistics for Thistles playing in Mens Sixth Division

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS YC RC
C Blackler Thistles 8 2012-07-21 1
D Singh Thistles 8 2012-07-21 1
D Sirach Thistles 8 2012-07-21 1
D A Cleaver Thistles 8 2012-07-21 2
G Varcoe Thistles 8 2012-07-21 1
G Hickey Thistles 8 2012-07-21 2
J Noonan Thistles 8 2012-07-21 1 1
K Hazan Thistles 8 2012-07-21 1 1
M Manning Thistles 8 2012-07-21 1 1
M Noonan Thistles 8 2012-07-21
R J Buss Thistles 8 2012-07-21
R Simes Thistles 7 2012-07-21
R Santin Thistles 8 2012-07-21 1
R Menin Thistles 8 2012-07-21
S Stahl Thistles 7 2012-07-21
S Sudiro Thistles 8 2012-07-21

Statistics for Thistles playing in Mens Sixth Division

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Statistics for Thistles playing in Mens Division 6

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Statistics for Thistles playing in Mens Division Five

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Statistics for Thistles playing in Mens Division 4

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Statistics for Thistles playing in Mens Premier League

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