
Boys' North 15C

Sun 25 Aug - 9:00 AM

Official Match Report

9 Marymede pitch for game- Banyule a very pleasant team to play against.
DUSC match stats: Shots at goal: Samar- 7, Jonty- 6, Allan- 5, Brady- 4, Aarav- 3, Loukas- 3, Nathan- 2 , Arshy-1 Goals saved: 9 MVP votes in: Voter 1- 3 votes- Jonty, 2 Votes- Allan, 1 vote:Aarav Voter 2- 3 votes: Arshy, 2 votes Aslam, 1 vote-Jonty voter 3: 3 votes- Thomas, 2 votes- Joty, 1 vote -Arshie
Absent: vickram Subs- Danny S (u14D) Sancks : Aaravs family, Lines- Tommys family, Ref- Simon DUSC U14 coach, Marshall- Allans family

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