
CANCELLED - Victorian Premier League Womens

Sun 27 Jun - 1:00 PM

Official Match Report

I was the appointed match official at this fixture due to falloffs and late withdrawal - CoN FRESCOS was an available referee and agreed to be assitant referee for the fixture.
At the 77 minute mark (45 +24) a collision between Melbourne Knights player Mikaela Jurcic 66124736 and South Yarra Player Jeanne Susser 10536550 resulted in a serious injury to Mikeala Jurcic. I immediately stopped play - realising the severity of the injury- an ambulance was called immediately as the player could not be moved from the pitch.
At the 77 Minute mark I consulted with my assistant referee Con Frescos and agreed to abandon the game, I informed both coaches and team managers of the decision
Whilst the incident was unfortunate it was not malicious or cautionable.

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