Sportsmart Boys' South 14E
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Wed 4 Sep
7:00 PM
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Sat 7 Sep
10:00 AM
Competition Notes
Catch Up Rounds
03/05/2019 - 06/05/2019, 05/07/2019 - 08/07/2019, 09/08/2018 - 12/08/2018.
06/09/2019 - 09/09/2019, 13/09/2019 - 16/09/2019, 20/09/2019 - 23/09/2019.
Night fixtures are pending lighting approval. Lighting must meet the Australian Standard
03/05/2019 - 06/05/2019, 05/07/2019 - 08/07/2019, 09/08/2018 - 12/08/2018.
06/09/2019 - 09/09/2019, 13/09/2019 - 16/09/2019, 20/09/2019 - 23/09/2019.
Night fixtures are pending lighting approval. Lighting must meet the Australian Standard