Juniors Under 12s to Under 15s

Whether you have played before or if you have had a kick about with some mates come down and try you skills!
All players aged 12 and above play on a full size 11v11 pitch and the Junior teams play an 18 week season starting the 2nd weekend of April and finishing last weekend of August.
Our coaches all follow the Football Federation Australias coaching material to ensure the kids not only have fun but learns all the skills at the same time.
Trainings are held at JT Gray Reserve, Kororiot Creek Rd, Williamstown 3016. (On the field inside the enclosed fence.)
The 2016 training days and times have not been finalised yet but come down and register on our registration day Sunday the 14th February. More info to follow.
It’s not too late to enrol your child as Registrations are still open.
For details on fees for the 2016 season please contact us at info@fcwilliamstown.com.au