Child Safety
As recent government enquiries have shown there have been child abuse issues within many organisations. The Victorian Government has acted to stem this abuse through requiring pro-active accountability by organisations which deal with children within this state.
As of 1 January 2017, in Victoria the Child Wellbeing and Safety Amendment Act 2015 requires sports clubs to meet “Child Safe Standards” (The Standards).
The Standards are aimed at helping clubs to protect children from abuse and require all Clubs to:
Embed a Club culture of child safety and effective leadership;
Have a child-safe policy or statement of commitment to child safety;
Have a code of conduct that establishes clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children;
Put in place screening, supervision, training and other human resources practices that reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing personnel;
Have processes for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse;
Have strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse; and
Have strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children.
Football Federation Victoria (FFV) football's governing body in Victoria has produced a document "Child Protection and Football: A guideline for FFV clubs". This FFV document may be found HERE.
In line with requirements Brunswick Zebras FC has developed the necessary Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct which all clubs must put in place. The FFV's policy template has been adapted by Brunswick Zebras FC to fit our particular context.
The club has also appointed a Child Safety Officer in line with the Child Safety Policy's requirements.
The Child Safty Officer is Emma Hunt who can be contacted on 0429 528 333 or
The policy is attached below.