Players MUST:
- Respecttherights,dignity, talent, potential and development offellow and opposition players,coaches,officialsand spectators.
- Respect and take care of the uniformandequipmentprovided to you.
- Conductyourselfinaresponsiblemannerrelatingtolanguage,temperand punctuality as well as maintaining ahighstandardofpersonal behaviour.
- Abidebytherulesandrespectthedecisionoftheumpires. Becourteousand use thecorrectprocess when seekingarule clarification.
- Workequallyhardfor yourselfand your team and be apositive rolemodel.
- Operate within the rulesofthesportincludingState guidelineswhich governAFL Victoria, Netball Victoria, AffiliatedAssociationsand Affiliated Clubs.
Parents / Guardians / Supporters MUST:
- Adhere to our Child Safe Policy, this Code of Conduct and other AFNC policies.
- Take all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse.
- Welcome all children and their families and be inclusive.
- Respect cultural, religious and political differences and act in a culturally sensitive way, particularly when interacting with children who are Aboriginal or otherwise culturally or linguistically diverse and those with a disability.
- Report and act on any breaches of this Code of Conduct, complaints or concerns appropriately and treat them seriously and with respect.
Parents / Guardians / Supporters MUST NOT:
- Seek to use children in any way to meet the needs of adults.
- Ignore or disregard any concerns, suspicions or disclosures of child abuse.
- Discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, culture, vulnerability or sexuality.
- Have unauthorised contact with children and young people online or by phone.