Matches With Appointed Referees

Name Type Date Time Venue Competition Name Home Team Away Team
Appt Referee 29/03/25 (Sat) 09:30 JH Allan Reserve (U16 - NPL North VIC Boys) Essendon Royals SC Melbourne Victory FC
Appt Referee 19/04/25 (Sat) 10:15 Eltham North Reserve - Pitch 1 (S) - (NPL) (U15 - NPL VIC Girls) Eltham Redbacks FC FC Bulleen Lions
Appt Referee 19/04/25 (Sat) 09:00 Eltham North Reserve - Pitch 1 (S) - (NPL) (U13 - NPL VIC Girls) Eltham Redbacks FC FC Bulleen Lions

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