Statistics for Glenorchy Knights playing in Southern Youth Under 14 Tier 2

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Player Name
Team Name
A Muhammed Glenorchy Knights 6 2022-08-13 8
A Khadal Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13 2
B Witzerman Glenorchy Knights 6 2022-08-13
C Tapp Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13
D Bates Glenorchy Knights 6 2022-08-13
I Priest Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13 1
J Corrigan Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13 2
J Yeomans Glenorchy Knights 3 2022-06-25
J Penneyston Glenorchy Knights 1 2022-05-28
J Brown Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13 4
L Ford Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13 2
M Triffitt Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13
M Breslin Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13
N Hart Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13 7
O Hardie Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13 4
P Stephen Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13
S Verma Glenorchy Knights 7 2022-08-13 4
T Joyce Glenorchy Knights 6 2022-08-13 1

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