Statistics for Barnstoneworth playing in Southern Over 35's

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS YC RC
A Spowart BARN 16 2012-08-28 2
A Bell BARN 10 2012-08-28
A Pearce BARN 3 2012-08-10
A Rowe BARN 1 2012-06-30
A Wilson BARN 15 2012-08-28 5
A Hindmarch BARN 3 2012-04-27
A Peterli BARN 1 2012-04-13
C Fitze BARN 2 2012-07-14
C Bellears BARN 11 2012-08-28
C Schofield BARN 1 2012-06-08
C Robbins BARN 11 2012-08-28
D Yeomans BARN 7 2012-08-03
D Gunning BARN 6 2012-07-22 1
D Rooney BARN 1 2012-06-08
D Ibbs BARN 9 2012-08-28
G G Kalis BARN 7 2012-08-10
G Mcguire BARN 16 2012-08-28
J Ashmore BARN 15 2012-08-28
J Niekrasz BARN 12 2012-08-28 1
J Maclure BARN 5 2012-08-03 4
M Bosworth BARN 3 2012-07-06 1
M Goward BARN 13 2012-08-28
M Thomson BARN 11 2012-08-28
P Allocca BARN 2 2012-06-24
P Yeomans BARN 16 2012-08-28 2
R Joyce BARN 2 2012-07-28 1
S Hansen BARN 15 2012-08-28 2
S Chatterton BARN 2 2012-08-28
S Gifford BARN 15 2012-08-28
W Hindmarch BARN 1 2012-08-03

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