Statistics for Somerset playing in 2018 Under 18 Northern Championship

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS YC RC
A Good Somerset 16 2018-08-18 1
A Grzona Somerset 1 2018-08-25
A King Somerset 19 2018-09-01 1
A Wyllie Somerset 1 2018-07-07
C Purton Somerset 18 2018-09-01 9 1
C Purton Somerset 18 2018-09-01 9 1
C Brown Somerset 14 2018-09-01
D Gladwell Somerset 16 2018-09-01 2
H Vassallo Somerset 3 2018-06-23
J V Milikins Somerset 16 2018-08-11 1
J Suna-Smrcka Somerset 18 2018-09-01 2
J Richardson Somerset 18 2018-09-01 1
J Stuart Somerset 10 2018-09-01 2
K Mccall Somerset 14 2018-08-25
L Jordan Somerset 15 2018-09-01 1
L Arnold Somerset 11 2018-09-01
L Weber Somerset 12 2018-09-01
L Hyland Somerset 18 2018-09-01 1
M Short Somerset 19 2018-09-01
M Whitehouse Somerset 12 2018-09-01 1
M Richardson Somerset 4 2018-07-14
M Bos Somerset 1 2018-08-18
R Kirkland Somerset 7 2018-08-18
R Kirkland Somerset 4 2018-09-01 2
S Good Somerset 2 2018-05-19
T Mason Somerset 5 2018-09-01
T Stanley Somerset 17 2018-09-01

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