Statistics for Scorpions U14 playing in Southern Zone 2016 U14

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Player Name Team Name M Last YC RC GOALS
B Walmsley Scorpions U14 11 2016-09-10
D Kerr Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10 4
D Heenan Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10
D Mathew Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10
D Renandi Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10 4
H Pilkington Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10 5
J Reeve Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10 1 16
J Samuel Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10
J S Baburajan Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10
J Anastasiou Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10
M O'Neill Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10
R Duguid Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10
V Mahlangu Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10 1
W Tamangani Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10 14
W Turner Scorpions U14 5 2016-07-30
Z George Scorpions U14 12 2016-09-10 5

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