Statistics for Rockdale Ilinden FC playing in 1st - NPL NSW Men's 2021

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS YC RC
A Urosevski Rockdale Ilinden FC 17 2021-06-20 12 4
A D Blasio Rockdale Ilinden FC 1 2021-05-01
B Antoniou Rockdale Ilinden FC 17 2021-06-20 2 4
B Kanaizumi Rockdale Ilinden FC 17 2021-06-20 2
B Sorge Rockdale Ilinden FC 16 2021-06-20
D Araujo Rockdale Ilinden FC 12 2021-06-20 3
D Petkovski Rockdale Ilinden FC 11 2021-05-23 2
D Bradasevic Rockdale Ilinden FC 17 2021-06-20
J Temelkovski Rockdale Ilinden FC 4 2021-05-01
J Figon Rockdale Ilinden FC 5 2021-06-13 1
K Cimenti Rockdale Ilinden FC 10 2021-05-01 7
M Gauthier Rockdale Ilinden FC 13 2021-06-20 1
M Neill Rockdale Ilinden FC 17 2021-06-20 3
M Stamatellis Rockdale Ilinden FC 14 2021-06-20 1 6
M Ahmed Rockdale Ilinden FC 6 2021-06-20 1
N Taneski Rockdale Ilinden FC 4 2021-04-10
P Savor Rockdale Ilinden FC 17 2021-06-20 1 3
S Gulisano Rockdale Ilinden FC 17 2021-06-20 1
T Wada Rockdale Ilinden FC 17 2021-06-20 3
Z Sfiligoi Rockdale Ilinden FC 9 2021-06-13 1 1

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