Team Match Report
Catani thirds stole a great win against Poowong on Saturday. With the leadership of C.Clarke showing strong defence down the backline, followed by his fellow team mates D.Marson, S.Head, R.Williams, M.Eaton, B.Harmer & M.Edwards, all showing great discipline. The midfielders showed great attacking & defensive skills led by M.Ralph, followed by new in & under player Muffa. The Catani boys played well to game plan which was to get the ball down to V.Campbell quickly for a one on one contest. T. Hance was fantastic in the ruck all day, taking marks all around the ground and taking on opponents & getting it forward to the strong man V.Campbell. R.Williams was strong overhead in the backline and up forward and showing he can kick goals. It was a great team effort from all the boys & a win well deserved. Best: R.Williams, V.Campbell, Muffa, D.Clarke, T.Hance