Player Profile

Dakota Crichton

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Season Statistics

Season 1 7 - - - - - 3 - -
Career - - - - - - - - -

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Game Log

Date Opposition 2PM 3PM FTM PFS Pts
6 Mar KILSYTH 7 0 3 1 17

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Previous Seasons

Competition Season M 2PM-A 3PM-A FTM-A PFS Pts
UNDER 16 GIRLS AA 2019/20 VJBL 1 --- --- ---
16 GIRLS - VICTORIAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2019/20 VJBL 1 7-- --- 3-- 1 17
UNDER 16 GIRLS CROSSOVER 2018/19 1 --- --- ---
16 GIRLS PRE GRADING 2018/19 1 --- --- ---
16 GIRLS POOL 2 2018/19 3 --- --- ---
16 GIRLS - VJL ONE 2018/19 19 75-- --- 45-- 42 195
14 GIRLS POOL ONE 2017/18 3 --- --- ---
14 GIRLS AA 2017/18 3 --- --- ---
14 GIRLS - VJL ONE 2017/18 19 100-- --- 47-- 36 247
UNDER 14 GIRLS VICTORIAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2016/17 7 6-- --- --- 4 12
UNDER 14 GIRLS POOL TWO 2016/17 3 1-- --- 3-- 2 5
UNDER 14 GIRLS AA 2016/17 3 --- --- 1-- 2 1
UNDER 14 GIRLS - VC RESERVE 2016/17 6 8-- --- 1-- 11 17
14 GIRLS VJL CROSSOVER GAMES 2016/17 1 --- --- ---
VC - 12 GIRLS RESERVE 2015/16 9 10-- --- 5-- 10 25
UNDER 12 GIRLS AA 2015/16 1 --- --- ---
12 GIRLS POOL TWO 2015/16 1 --- --- ---
UNDER 12 GIRLS POOL TWO 3 --- --- ---
UNDER 12 GIRLS BB 1 --- --- ---
12 GIRLS - VJL ONE 18 --- --- ---

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