Registration Information



  • New version of playfootball from 2025

  • Previous log in details should still work

  • Participants must be turning 5 in the calendar year to be eligible to register

  • The age the participant turns during the season (calendar year) is the age group they will be allocated to (E.G: If you are 9 turning 10 in year of the season, then you would be in the under 10's age group.)

  • We have teams from Under 5 years to Seniors

    • MiniRoos 5-7 years (mixed and girls Saturday teams)

    • MiniRoos 8-11 years (mixed and girls Saturday teams)

    • Junior 12-18 years (mixed Saturday competition and girls Sunday competition)

    • Friday O35 Men (Friday competition)

    • Senior All Age Men (Friday and Saturday competition)

    • Senior All Age Women (Sunday competition)



All participants registered in Under 12 and up MUST have a photo ID (passport style - no hats or glasses) linked to their PlayFootball account.

This is extremely important as your registration will not be approved if the photo is not uploaded or meets the registration requirements.



Under 5-7 years | $200

Under 8-11 years | $240

Junior 12-18 years | $285

Senior 19+ | $375

Note - The club acknowledges the challenges in recent years with Covid, Wet weather interruptions and the cost of living crisis and therefore have not increased registration fees. They remain the same for the past 5 years.



Players eligible, remember to download your Active Kids Voucher from Service NSW prior to completing your online registration if you wish to claim the $50 discount. If you didn't use your summer voucher and the date is still current you will now be able to claim both $50 vouchers (eg $100 total) during the registration process.

If you forget to do add this online when registering, you can email the voucher to the club and we can manually redeem it for you.



  • Club and Registration Fees Upfront - All fees are paid upfront and online
  • Regulation fees Upfront - FA, NNSWF & NF fees paid online and club fees paid offline
  • Scheduled payment -FA, NNSWF & NF fees + 1/4 of club fees are paid upfront then followed by 3 monthly instalments for the rest of the club fees. PLEASE NOTE: the second to fourth payment is not automatically removed from the participants account. The participant will receive and email from PlayFootball to remind them that the payment is due, and they will need to make a manual payment to the club.
  • Cash/EFTPOS directly to the club OR pay direct to the clubs account



Greater Bank

BSB No: 637 000

Account: 780 365 560

Account name: South Wallsend Junior Soccer Club

Reference: Players Name

Note - A player will not be made active until all amounts are paid in full



South Wallsend JSC Clubhouse (129 Croudace Road, Elermore Vale)

Saturday 1st February 2025 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Tuesday 4th February 2025 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Thursday 6th February 2025 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm

Participants who have registered online and paid do not need to attend an Information Day unless it is for the following reasons.

Who Needs to Attend?

  • Participants who need to pay registration fees
  • Any participant who needs to purchase playing shorts or socks (there will be an opportunity to do this at Muster Days, training days or directly from our online shop)

  • Any new participant to have ID documents sited

  • Any participant seeking help with the online registration (where possible contact PlayFootball for assistance)

  • Anybody who would like to know more information about South Wallsend JSC 



Our “Muster Day” will be held at the Clubhouse.

This is an opportunity for the club to speak with families ahead of the start of the season with important information, allocate participants to their final team allocations and finalise coach/manager and training details.

Families will have an opportunity to purchase shorts and socks and pay registration fees on any of the Muster Days.

Email will be sent to registered players prior to the date with a reminder.


Saturday 22nd February 2025

9:00am – Under 5 and 6

9:30am – Under 7

10:00am – Under 8

10:30am – Under 9

11:00am – Under 10

11:30am – Under 11


Monday 24th February 2025

6:00pm - Under 12 boys and Under 13 boys

6:30pm - Under 12 girls and Under 13 girls


Tuesday 25th February 2025

6:00pm - Under 14 boys and Under 15 boys

6:30pm - Under 14 girls and Under 15 girls


Wednesday 26th February 2025

6:00pm - Under 16 boys and Under 17 boys

6:30pm - Under 16 girls and Under 17 girls


Note - these days and times may be subject to change based on final registration numbers across age groups. Participants will be emailed of any changes in advance.



As a community football club we recognise the importance of participants wanting to play with their friends. We do not grade our teams however in some instances if there is an age group that does not accept the clubs final team allocation, then a grading night may be required to finalise the team.

Our process for team allocations where possible is as follows:

  • Keep returning teams together where possible with minimal change
  • Where a team requires additional players, new players are added based on individual requests 
  • Senior teams are generally pre-organised by the team manager and any request from new players to join an exisiting senior team will be sent to the team manager for review/approval

NOTE: The Club will do our best to meet all team/participant requests where possible. If no team request information is supplied players will be allocated as required to fill teams. 



Following the final registration information day (6th February) if there are any age groups that do not meet the required minimum number of players to nominate a team, the club will assess the situation and then proceed as follows:

  1. Contact Newcastle Football to follow up potential players left over from other clubs
  2. Advertise through the local schools
  3. Advertise on our website, Facebook page, and if required the local newspaper
  4. In some instances, if there are players from a lower age group that want to play up an age group then this option will be investigated also

If the club still can’t meet the minimum number of players required or has any reservations that an age group may have difficulties fielding a team for the season, the Club will make direct contact with each of the players that have registered in that age group and offer them a refund. This will be done as early as possible to allow these players the option of looking to alternate clubs.



Our Coaches and Managers are volunteers.  All our teams may have up to a maximum of three volunteers (Coach/Assistant Coach and Manager) prior to the start of the season.

ALL NEW Coaches/Managers will be required to complete a “Working with Children Check” and ALL volunteer Coaches/Managers will be required to register online at 


Volunteers interested in Coaching or Managing will have an opportunity to register for a team role on the Muster Days or by sending an email to the Club



The Clubs winter season licence begins on 1st April 2025 and any use of the grounds prior to this date the Club must make special application for use.

The season does not start until the end of April therefore all MiniRoos, Interdistrict and senior O35s teams will not permitted to start training on the fields until a date is confirmed by the club.

Teams will have an opportunity to provide their training day/time preferences on Muster Night and once allocations are completed the Club will notify coaches and managers of their allocated day/time/field space and start date.



Playing Shirts – Coach/Manager will be provided a bag of shirts prior to the start of the season 

(shirts will remain the property of the Club and are not to be taken home by players)

Shorts/Socks & all other merchandise – will be available for purchase prior to season kick off and during the season. Online purchases via our Facebook Page, Website or TeamApp and limited stock of shorts and socks from the clubs canteen on Muster Days, Training Afternoons and Game Days.



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Create A Team App Account.

Stack Team App is a platform that allows teams and social groups to improve communication by creating their own smartphone app.

Create A Team/Club