Welcome to the Benalla All Blacks Netball Club
Netball has grown to be an integeral part of the country football scene over the last few decades and has contributed to the outstanding social fabric that now exists in all country football circles, with a true reflection gauged in the number of families we now have involved at the Benalla All Blacks FNC.
Netball Coaches & Co-ordinator contact details
Sarah Kilpatrick : 0419 474 433
Bernie O'Brien : 0487 226 687
2019 Netball Coaches
A & B Grade coach - Rebecca Mathieson
B Reserve coach - Jessica Blaine & Millie Sammon
Under 17's coach - Elyse Felstead
15 & Under coach - Erin Matthews
For all your O&K Netball fixtures, ladders & results, click on the My Netball logo below.

My Netball now has a very useful App which can be downloaded onto your smartphone.