Winter Holiday Clinic 2023

What a great time had by all. 


Winter Holiday Clinic 2023 saw nearly 70 juniors come down to participate in a school holiday run by club coaches and senior players. Our budding soccer stars took part in soccer golf, fitness, shooting, mini games, soccer lawn bowls and skill and agility training. A huge thanks to all that helped! We couldn’t run days like that without lots of helping hands. Some of the teenagers who ran groups giving up their own school holiday time. Our canteen was in overdrive feeding all the hungry bellies after hours of soccer and they absolutely smashed it. The best part was the smile on all the kids faces!


Special thanks to our volunteers for ensuring the success of the day. 

Canteen:  Andrew, Dee and Co. 

Senior Women's Coach: Andrew Lancaster

Women's Team Players:  Imogen, Lily, Kayla, Madi

Junior Coaches:  Catherine Lancaster, Karyn Pert






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