Ovens and King Football League
O & K - Senior Football - Best and Fairest / runner up in the
The Clyde Baker Medal
The Ovens & King F L first awarded a medal in 1932 in recognition of the best and fairest player - the J Hughes Medal (Moyhu FC - President & trophy donor), with the name changing a number of times over the years
The O & K F L medal was called the Charles Butler Medal between 1934 & 1940, after the former Ovens & King F L Secretary
The O & K F L medal was called the Bynon Trophy between 1949 & 1955, after donor, Jack Bynon
The O & K F L medal was called the Tip Lean Trophy between 1956 & 1966
The O & K F L medal has been called the Clyde Baker Medal since 1968 to present day
# - 1940 - Was there a medal in 1940? If so, who won?
# - In 1941 in his one & only year with the Moyhu F.C. Lionel Wallace won the O & K F L Medal.
# - In 1945, Harry West donated a gold medal for the O&K best and fairest player. No records of who won it?
* - 1950 - Tarrawingee's Jack Sullivan has not been presented with a retropective O & K Bynon Trophy as yet.
# - In 1971, Chiltern's John Lappin was ineligible to win the medal, due to a suspension during the season.
* - In 1978 Neville Pollard originally won the Baker Medal, on a countback from John Lappin - Chiltern & Terry Wadley - Greta. John & Terry were both awarded the medal, after a change in the O & K rules in 2000 !
# - In 1994, Mark Porter, born - 11/10/1976 was the youngest ever winner of the O & K Medal, aged 17, 10 months. 2nd youngest winner was 1958 medalist, Clem Goonan, born - 18th June, 1939, aged 19, 2 months. Both went onto to play senior VFL / AFL football. Poter at Carlton FC & Goonan at South Melbourne FC.
* - In 2000, after former Moyhu F C player Greg Hogan, was awarded the 1956 O & K Medal retropectively, after finishng equal second on a countback, he became part of the first father / son combination to win the medal. His son, Paul won the O & K F L Medal in 1995 with the Greta F.C. Greg later played with Greta F C.