Some interesting statistics about O&KFL senior 18 football from 1903 to present day.
Most Premierships
- 18 - Moyhu FC
- 14 - Beechworth FC
- 11 - Milawa FC
- 10 - Chiltern FC
- 9 - Greta FC
Most Consecutive Premierships
- 4 - Glenrowan FC - 2014, 15, 16 & 17
- 3 - Moyhu FC - 1909, 10 & 11
- 3 - Beechworth FC - 1912, 13 & 14
- 3 - Beechworth FC - 1937, 38 & 39
- 3 - Greta FC - 1966, 67 & 68
Undefeated Premiers
- 1906 - Wangaratta - 10 successive wins
- 1949 - Myrtleford - 20 successive wins
- 1962 - Moyhu - 20 successive wins
- 1977 - Whorouly - 20 successive wins
- 1982 - Chiltern - 20 successive wins
- 2008 - Tarrawingee - 20 successive wins
- 2019 - Milawa - 20 successive wins
Premierships in both & / or three grades of football in the same season
- 1953 - O&K Reserves commenced
- 1956 - Beechworth (2)
- 1965 - Greta (2)
- 1974 - Beechworth (2)
- 1978 - O&K Thirds commenced
- 1998 - Chiltern (3)
- 2007 - Whorouly (3)
From last to Premiers
Most Successful Premiership Coaches
- 5 - Ben Ward - Moyhu - 1929, 30, 33, 34 & 47.
- 4 - Nigel Robinson - Glenrowan - 2014, 15, 16 & 17
- 3 - Tom Simmonds - Moyhu - 1909, 10 & 11
- 3 - George Ferguson - Milawa - 1922, 23 & 24
- 3 - Ray Burns - Moyhu - 1962. Tarrawingee - 1963 & 64
- 3 - Maurice Farrell - Greta - 1965, 66 & 67
- 3 - Gil Ould - Moyhu - 2003, 05 & 06.
Father & Son Premiership Coaches
- 1968 - Len Richards - Chiltern FC &
- 1995 - Rob Richards - Greta FC
Brothers & Premiership Coaches
- 1961 - Bill Comensoli - Beechworth FC
- 1969 - Jay Comensoli - Milawa FC
- 2016 - Nigel & Matthew Robinson - Glenrowan FC (co-coaches)
Most premierships as a player
- 6 - Maurice Farrell - Moyhu - 1959, 1960, 1962 & Greta - 1965, 1966 & 1967.
- 5 - Greg Hogan - Moyhu - 1959, 1960, 1962 & Greta - 1965 & 1966.
- 5 - Scott Douglas - Moyhu - 1988, 2002, 2003, 2005 & 2006.
- 5 - Andrew Balfour - Moyhu - 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 & 2011.
Most consecutive grand final appearances
- 6 - Moyhu FC - 1909, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14
- 6 - Myrtleford FC - 1933, 34, 35, 36, 37 & 38
- 5 - Glenrowan FC - 2013, 14, 15, 16 & 17
- 5 - Greta FC - 1964, 65, 66, 67 & 68
- 5 - Moyhu FC - 2002, 03, 04, 05 & 06
- 4 - Wangaratta FC - 1908, 08, 09 & 10.
- 4 - Beechworth FC - 1911, 12, 13 & 14
- 4 - Eldorado FC - 1919, 20, 21 & 22
- 4 - Beechworth FC - 1937, 38, 39 & 40
- 4 - Tarrawingee FC - 1962, 63, 64 & 65
- 4 - Whorouly FC - 1977, 78, 79 & 80
- 4 - Tarrawingee FC - 2008, 09, 10 & 11
- (bold > premiership year)
Most Grand Final Team Appearances
- 30 - Beechworth FC
- 28 - Moyhu FC
- 26 - Milawa FC
- 19 - Whorouly FC
- 17 - Greta FC
- 16 - Chiltern FC
- 14 - Tarrawingee FC
Grand Final - Runners Up Tally
- 16 - Beechworth FC
- 15 - Milawa FC
- 12 - Whorouly FC
- 10 - Moyhu FC
Consecutive O & K F L - Finals Series
- 18 - Greta. Between 1958 to 1975, Greta FC competed in 18 consecutive O & K F L finals series.
- 15 - Tarrawingee. 2005 to 2019.
- 12 & 3 - Milawa. 2008 - 2019 (2020 & 2021 - no finals > Covid 19 years) & 2022 - 2024.
- 12 - Moyhu. 2002 - 2013.
Consecutive Preliminary Finals Appearances
- 6 - Greta - 1960, 61, 62, 63, 64 & 65
- 5 - Greta - 1969, 70, 71, 72 & 73 (lost all 5)
- (bold > won)
Most consecutive match wins
- 40 - Milawa. In 2019, Milawa were undefeated premiers (20 games). In 2020, the O&K was in recess due to Covid 19. In 2021, Milawa won 14 consecutive games, prior to the season ending prematurely due to Covid 19. In 2022, Milawa then won their first six matches prior to losing to Bright in round seven, thus ending a run of 40 consecutive wins. (an O&K record).
- 39 - Tarrawingee. In 2008, Tarra were undefeated premiers. Interestingly, in 2009 Tarra's only loss was in the 2009 grand final, ending a 39 match winning sequence.
- 29 - Whorouly. In 1977, Whorouly were undefeated premiers, 20 successive wins. Whorouly won their first 9 games in 1978 for 29 consecutive wins.
- 25 - Glenrowan, in 2014, Glenrowan won 11 consecutive games from Rd.10 onwards, including the 2nd Semi & Grand Final. Then in 2015 won their first 14 matches, before losing to Milawa in Rd.15, 2015, thus 25 consecutive wins.
- 21 - Greta. In 1995, from round 6 to 18, plus 2nd semi final & grand final (15 x wins) & from round 1 to 6, 1996 (6 wins), 21 consectitive wins.
- 20 - Chiltern. In 1982 from round 1 to 18, plus 2nd semi final & grand final. 20 x wins). They lost their 1983, round one match.
- 20 - Moyhu. In 1962, Moyhu were undefeated premiers, 20 successive wins. They lost their 1963, round one match.
- 20 - Myrtleford. In 1949, Myrtleford were undefeated premiers, 20 successive wins. They entered the O&MFL in 1950.
Most consecutive match losses
- 50 - North Wangaratta. From Rd.15, 2015 to Rd.10, 2018.
Winless Seasons in senior O&K Football
- Benalla All Blacks: 2007, 2015
- Bogong: 1958
- Bonnie Doon: 2018
- Bright: 1970
- Eldorado: 1922
- Everton: 1908, 24, 25
- Glenrowan: 1993, 1996, 2012
- King Valley: 1949
- Milawa: 1911, 35, 36, 38, 39, 54, 2001
- Moyhu: 1979, 1982, 1985
- North Wang: 1914, 65, 66, 83, 2009, 16, 17, 19
- Swanpool: 2011
- Tarrawingee: 1928, 48, 99
- Whorouly: 1973
Most B&F - Baker Medals
- 3 - Jock Gardner - Milawa - 1946,47 & 51. Jock was runner up in 1950.
- 3 - Ray Warford - Moyhu - 1953,55 & 56. Ray was runner up in 1954.
- 3 - John Lappin - Chiltern - 1974, 78 & 82. (He tied for the '71 medal, but was suspended during the season). John was runner up in 1972, 73, 75 & 79. He also won the Hume FL - B&F - Azzi Medal in 1976!
Father & Son - Baker Medals
- 1956 co-winner, Greg Hogan - Moyhu FC & 1995 winner, Paul Hogan - Greta FC. Interestingly, Greg's daughter, Robyn won two A. Grade netball - medals in 2001 & 2002 with King Valley plus three B. Grade netball medals in 1982, 84 & 85 with Greta. Robyn's twin sister, Wendy won a B. Grade medal in 1986 with Greta too. Eight B&F medals in the one family!
- 1998 O&KFNL Baker Medalist, Colin McClounan & his son, James, 2023 Baker Medalist.
Brother / Sister - Best & Fairest winners
- Paul Hogan (1995 Baker Medallist) and his older sister Robyn Hogan (2001 & 02 Morgan Medallist)
- Matthew Kelly (2008 Baker Medallist) and his younger sister Leah Kelly (2015 & 17 Morgan Medallist)
Most club best and fairest awards
8 - Maurice "Bumper" Farrell: Moyhu, 1955 to 1960, 1963 & 64.
7 - Lionel Wallace: Greta: 1947, 48, 49, 54, 55, 56 & 57. Wallace played with Wangaratta FC: 1950 - 53.
7 - Rex Walter: North Wang - 1967, 68, 69, 70, 72, 75, 78
6 - Kevin Allan: Milawa - 1949. North Wang: 1960, 61, 62, 63 & 64.
6 - A.K. Harrington: Whorouly - 1948, 49, 51, 52, 54 & 56.
6 - John Lappin: Chiltern: 1972, 74, 75, 79, 82 & 83.
6 - Rex Allen: Milawa - 1960, 62, 65, 66, 67 & 68
5 - Les Butler: - Bright - 1961, 63, 65, 66 & 67.
5 - Paul Hogan: Greta - 1993, 1997, 2000, 2005 & 2006.
5 - Adam Clark: Tarrawingee - 2002, 03, 04, 05 & 06.
5 - Craig Fruend: North Wang - 1991, 2001, 02, 03 & 04. Fruend played with Wang Rovers FC from 1992 to 2000.
5 - Adam Williams: King Valley - 2012, 13, 14, 15 & 17.
5 - Jeremy Wilson: Moyhu - 2013, 14, 16, 17, 18.
4 - Bill Comensoli: Beechworth - 1960, 61, 62. Milawa - 1968.
4 - Anthony Mihaljevic: Beechworth - 1995, 1997, 1998 & 1999.
4 - Geoff Mitchell: Bright - 1989, 90, 92, & 93.
4 - Daryl Everitt: Tarrawingee - 1985, 86, 87 & 90.
4 - Anthony Welsh: Moyhu - 2005, 07, 14, 15.
4 - Jaimon McGeehan: Moyhu - 2009, 10, 11 & 13.
4 - Nick Lebish: Bright - 2016, 17, 18, 19.
300 - O&K senior football games
400 |
Andrew Balfour |
Moyhu. (400th 28/5/22) |
1992 - 2023 |
352 |
Paul Hogan |
Greta |
1988 - 2011 |
350 |
Kevin Mahoney |
Moyhu |
1953 - 1972 |
341 |
Mark Allan |
Milawa |
1977 - 2000 |
330 |
Gary Bussell |
King Valley |
1977 - 1996 |
330 |
Evan Laverty |
322 - King Valley, 8 - Milawa |
1995 - 2015 |
313 |
Bill O'Brien |
Greta |
1966 - 1987 |
312 |
Scott Pell |
Milawa (as at end of 2019) |
2002 - 2019 |
308 |
Brendan Allan |
Milawa |
1981 - 2000 |
303 |
Andrew Smith |
203 - Greta, 100 - Glenrowan |
1988 - 2004 |
301 |
Maurice Farrell |
Moyhu, Greta |
1952 - 1967 |
300 |
Jim Stone |
Tarrawingee |
1952 - 1970 |
300 |
Rex Walters |
North Wangaratta |
1964 - 1979 |
300 |
Bill Lowen |
Bright |
1965 - 1985 |
300 |
Alan Gillett |
Bright |
1969 - 1991 |
300 |
Ron "Jock" Lappin |
Chiltern |
1964 - 1982 |
300 |
Ross Nightingale |
Bright |
1973 - 1992 |
300 |
Trevor Blair |
Tarrawingee |
1976 - 2004 |
300 |
Bruce Nightingale |
Bright |
2006 - 2019 |
300 |
Robert Burrows |
? - Moyhu, 60 - King Valley |
1983 - 2005 |
300 + |
Scott Douglas |
Moyhu |
1987 - 2009 |
300 + |
Lionel Schutt |
Milawa, Tarra, N Wang, Moyhu |
1985 - 2010 |
300 + |
Peter Sullivan |
Moyhu |
1993 - 2019 |
300 + |
Wayne Millis |
Whorouly |
1996 - 2015 |
300 + |
Ken Newth |
Milawa & Greta. |
1941 - 1964 |
Ken Newth - No accurate records of his games, but he debuted with Milawa in 1941, (O&K was in recess in 1942, 43 & 44) then played with Greta from 1945 to 1964.
In 1954, Chiltern's Wesso Lappin played his 250th consecutive match, with most of these games being played in the Chiltern & District League, prior to joing the O&KFL in 1954.
400 O&K Club Football Games
500 (16/6/24) |
Brett Allen |
Whorouly |
266 |
244 |
500 + |
Andrew Balfour |
Moyhu |
400 |
? |
? |
455 |
Geoff Robinson |
Milawa |
455 |
Russell Ferguson |
Milawa |
429 |
Paul Hogan |
Greta |
352 |
77 |
407 |
Evan Laverty |
King Valley |
322 |
58 |
Evan Laverty |
Milawa |
8 |
Evan Laverty |
Whorouly |
19 (2017) |
400 |
Malcom Dinsdale |
Tarrawingee |
400 |
Peter Hawkins |
Moyhu |
400 |
Chris Muraca |
Whorouly |
400 |
Craig Lewis |
Moyhu |
400 |
Ray "Bricky" Price |
Chiltern |
400 plus |
Gary Wadley |
Greta |
100 |
271 |
Gary Wadley |
King Valley |
? |
? 100 plus |
Most O&K career goals - (as at 2021)
- 923 - Darren Bate (Beechworth and Whorouly)
- 912 - Brendan Sessions (Tarrawingee and King Valley)
- 880 - Graham Hill (Beechworth)
- 761 - Shane Moore (Moyhu)
- 687 - Mal Dinsdale (Tarrawingee)
- 644 - Jock Lappin (Chiltern)
- 637 - Andy Haring (Greta)
- 607 - Gerard Nolan (Moyhu)
- 585 - John Farmer (Tarrawingee)
- 537 - Mark Higgs (King Valley, Milawa and Moyhu)
- 525 - Maurie Hogan (Greta and Tarrawingee)
- 499 - Brendan Allan (Milawa)
- 483 - Neale McMonigle (North Wangaratta and Rutherglen)
- 475 - Bob McWaters (Beechworth)
- 451 - Mark Sayers (Glenrowan and North Wangaratta)
- 439 - Gene Marek (Whorouly)
- 418 - Jeff Clarke (Milawa)
- 413 - Marc Kilner (Greta, Glenrowan and Moyhu)
- 412 - Mick Newton (King Valley & Milawa)
2019 - Gene Marek kicked his 1000th club goal for Whorouly.
Most goals in a season
- 147 - Richard Leahy - Whorouly - 2012 (includes finals)
- 136 - Hamish Moore - Tarrwingee - 2014 (includes finals)
- 135 - Brendan Sessions - Tarrawingee - 2009 (includes finals)
Multiple times Century Goalkickers
- 5 - Brendan Sessions
- 4 - Shane Moore
- 3 - Darren Bate
- 3 - Graham Hill
- 2 - Bob McWaters
- 2 - Ray Hooper
- 2 - Alan Sewell
Century Goalkickers
- 1946 - Len Ablett - Myrtleford - 108
- 1956 - Ron Howes - Chiltern - 103
- 1969 - Bob McWaters - Beechworth - 112
- 1970 - Ray Hooper - King Valley - 102
- 1971 - Ray Hooper - King Valley - 109
- 1972 - Bob McWaters - Beechworth - 111
- 1974 - Graeme Hill - Beechworth - 115
- 1975 - Graham Hill - Beechworth - 110
- 1977 - Alan Sewell - Whorouly - 126
- 1978 - Alan Sewell - Whorouly - 104
- 1982 - Steve Thompson - Bright - 123
- 1984 - John Michelini - Milawa - 114
- 1985 - Graham Hill - Beechworth - 110
- 1987 - Mick Worthington - Whorouly - 106
- 1988 - John Iwanuch - Moyhu - 113
- 1990 - Chris Long - Tarrawingee - 106
- 1994 - Damian Lord - Bright - 107
- 1997 - Peter Busch - Corowa / Rutherglen - 100
- 1998 - Darren Bate - Beechworth - 100
- 2001 - Darren Bate - Beechworth - 117
- 2003 - Shane Moore - Moyhu - 103
- 2004 - Shane Moore - Moyhu - 108
- 2005 - Shane Moore - Moyhu - 132
- 2005 - Brendan Sessions - Tarrawingee - 111
- 2005 - Darren Bate - Whorouly - 109
- 2006 - Shane Moore - Moyhu - 103
- 2008 - Brendan Sessions - Tarrawingee - 116
- 2009 - Brendan Sessions - Tarrawingee - 130 + 5
- 2010 - Daniel West - Whorouly - 96 + 4
- 2011 - Daniel Lewis - Milawa - 108 + 9
- 2011 - Duane Haebich - Benalla All Blacks - 108
- 2011 - Brendan Session - King Valley - 97 & 12
- 2011 - Jeremy Wilson - Moyhu - 85 + 16
- 2012 - Richard Leahy - Whorouly - 136 + 11
- 2012 - Richard Findlay - North Wang - 106 + 14
- 2013 - Brendan Sessions - King Valley - 100 + 5
- 2014 - Hamish Moore - Tarrawingee - 120 + 16
- 2016 - Kyle Raven - Tarrawingee - 106 + 6
- 2017 - Justin Hoggan - Tarrawingee - 100 + 0
- 2019 - Thomas Mullane - Grant - 113 +
(+ means goals kicked in finals)
O&KFL - Senior Football Finals Placings
(Final ladder positions at the end of home & away matches)
Year |
Minor Premiers
(Bold:Premiers) |
1913 |
Beechworth |
Eldorado |
Milawa |
Moyhu |
1919 |
Eldorado |
1924 |
Whorouly |
Moyhu |
Gapsted |
Milawa |
1925 |
Whorouly |
Gapsted |
Milawa |
Wang Rovers |
1926 |
Moyhu |
Whorouly |
Gapsted |
Milawa |
1927 |
Milawa |
Wang Rovers |
Eldorado |
Whorouly |
1928 |
Eldorado |
Milawa |
Whorouly |
Wang Rovers |
1929 |
Moyhu |
Myrtleford |
North Wang |
Beechworth |
1930 |
Moyhu |
Beechworth |
Myrtleford |
North Wang |
1931 |
Moyhu |
Wangaratta |
Milawa |
Myrtleford |
1932 |
Wangaratta |
Myrtleford |
Beechworth |
Whorouly |
1940 |
Beechworth |
Whorouly |
Moyhu |
Milawa |
1941 |
Wangaratta |
Moyhu |
Rainbows |
Milawa |
1946 |
Myrtleford |
Greta |
Moyhu |
Beechworth |
1948 |
Wang Rovers |
Myrtleford |
Moyhu |
Beechworth |
1949 |
Myrtleford |
Wang Rovers |
Beechworth |
Whorouly |
1950 |
Beechworth |
Eldorado |
Greta |
Moyhu |
1951 |
Beechworth |
Greta |
Whorouly |
Milawa |
1953 |
Tarrawingee |
Beechworth |
Greta |
Eldorado |
1954 |
Chiltern |
Greta |
Beechworth |
Bogong |
1958 |
Chiltern |
Greta |
Moyhu |
Tarrawingee |
1960 |
Beechworth |
Moyhu |
Greta |
Whorouly |
1967 |
Greta |
Tarrawingee |
Chiltern |
Beechworth |
1974 |
Beechworth |
North Wang |
Chiltern |
Tarrawingee |
Greta |
1977 |
Whorouly |
North Wang |
Milawa |
Beechworth |
Tarrawingee |
1978 |
Whorouly |
Beechworth |
Bright |
King Valley |
Chiltern |
1980 |
Whorouly |
Greta |
Bright |
Beechworth |
North Wang |
1987 |
Bright |
Greta |
North Wang |
Beechworth |
Whorouly |
2006 |
Moyhu |
Greta |
Whorouly |
North Wang |
Tarrawingee |
2007 |
Whorouly |
Bright |
Tarrawingee |
Moyhu |
King Valley |
2008 |
Tarrawingee |
Bright |
Whorouly |
Milawa |
Moyhu |
2009 |
Tarrawingee |
Milawa |
Glenrowan |
Moyhu |
Bright |
2010 |
Bright |
Milawa |
Ben AllBlacks |
Tarrawingee |
Whorouly |
Moyhu |
B Doon |
Greta |
2011 |
Moyhu |
Milawa |
Ben AllBlacks |
Whorouly |
Tarrawingee |
Greta |
K Valley |
NWang |
2012 |
Milawa |
Whorouly |
North Wang |
Moyhu |
King Valley |
Tarra |
A Blacks |
Greta |
2013 |
Milawa |
King Valley |
Tarrawingee |
Glenrowan |
Bright |
Moyhu |
N Wang |
W'ouly |
2014 |
Glenrowan |
Milawa |
Tarrawingee |
Bonnie Doon |
Bright |
Whorouly |
2015 |
Glenrowan |
Milawa |
Bonnie Doon |
Bright |
Tarrawingee |
King Valley |
2016 |
Bonnie Doon |
Glenrowan |
Tarrawingee |
Goorambat |
Milawa |
King Valley |
2017 |
Tarrawingee |
Ben AllBlacks |
Glenrowan |
Milawa |
Goorambat |
Moyhu |
2018 |
Milawa |
Tarrawingee |
Ben AllBlacks |
Glenrowan |
King Valley |
Bright |
2019 |
Milawa |
Bright |
Tarrawingee |
King Valley |
Greta |
Whorouly |
2020 |
(Bold:Premiers) |
Year |
Minor Premiers |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
Major Premiers |
Runners Up |
1992 |
Bright |
Chiltern |
Whorouly |
Greta |
Rutherglen |
1993 |
Greta |
Chiltern |
Beechworth |
Milawa |
Moyhu |
1994 |
Chiltern |
Nth Wang. |
Moyhu |
Whorouly |
Rutherglen |
1995 |
Greta |
Beechworth |
Nth Wang. |
Moyhu |
Tarrawingee |
1996 |
Chiltern |
Nth Wang. |
Rutherglen |
Greta |
Whorouly |
1997 |
Nth Wang. |
Greta |
Chiltern |
Rutherglen |
Moyhu |
1998 |
Chiltern |
Bright |
Rutherglen |
King Valley |
Glenrowan |
1999 |
Greta |
Beechworth |
Nth Wang. |
Moyhu |
Whorouly |
2000 |
Beechworth |
Moyhu |
Bright |
Rutherglen |
King Valley |
2001 |
Beechworth |
Nth Wang. |
Rutherglen |
Greta |
King Valley |
2002 |
Moyhu |
Beechworth |
King Valley |
Greta |
Rutherglen |
2003 |
Moyhu |
Nth Wang. |
Bright |
Beechworth |
Milawa |
2004 |
Bright |
Moyhu |
Whorouly |
Glenrowan |
King Valley |
2005 |
Moyhu |
Whorouly |
Nth Wang. |
Glenrowan |
Tarrawingee |
Rd No. |
56.24 - 360 |
Tarrawingee |
Bonnie Doon |
16 |
04/08/2018 |
56.16 - 352 |
Greta |
Glenrowan |
9 |
16/06/2012 |
53.25 - 343 |
Milawa |
North Wang |
5 |
05/05/2018 |
54.18 - 342 |
Benalla All Blacks |
Bonnie Doon |
1 |
30/03/2018 |
52.25 - 337 |
Chiltern |
Glenrowan |
2 |
04/04/1992 |
52.21 - 333 |
Milawa |
Glenrowan |
12 |
07/07/2012 |
51.23 - 329 |
Milawa |
Swanpool |
18 |
17/08/2013 |
48.28 - 316 |
North Wang |
Tarrawingee |
1 |
12/04/1997 |
49.16 - 310 |
Glenrowan |
Bonnie Doon |
17 |
11/08/2018 |
48.21 - 309 |
King Valley |
Swanpool |
2 |
13/04/2013 |
47.20 - 302 |
Milawa |
Benalla All Blacks |
1 |
20/03/2014 |
45.31 - 301 |
Bright |
Bonnie Doon |
10 |
23/06/2018 |
Rd No. |
Ray Hooper |
King Valley |
11 |
Milawa |
1970 |
Ron "Jock" Lappin |
Chiltern |
11 |
Milawa |
1982 |
Ken Bodger |
Greta |
10 |
Chiltern |
1954 |
Gerrard Nolan |
Moyhu |
10 |
Whorouly |
2005 |
Mick Worthington |
Whorouly |
9 |
Bright |
1987 |
Brett Bouker |
Beechworth |
11 |
Moyhu |
1995 |
Bert Carey |
Wangaratta |
9 |
Myrtleford |
2nd SEMI |
1932 |
Jock Gardner |
Milawa |
9 |
Myrtleford |
2nd SEMI |
1945 |
Frank Curran |
Rainbows |
13 |
Rainbows |
1st SEMI |
1941 |
Wartmann |
Whorouly |
10 |
Moyhu |
1st SEMI |
1935 |
Darren Bate |
Whorouly |
11 |
North Wang |
2005 |
Gene Marek |
Whorouly |
10 |
Greta |
2006 |
Daniel Barassi |
Tarrawingee |
10 |
North Wang |
2011 |
If you have any notable O&K statistics worthy of a mention, please email them through to the O&KFNL.